Tag Archives: Small Business

Greedy Contractors and Builders in Edison, NJ

21 Nov

I don’t know about you, but greedy people get under my skin. It’s totally fine to be aspirational, even aggressive in business — but greedy and fraudulent are just unacceptable. What’s worse is when someone smiles in your face and stabs you in the back. You provide a service and get paid for that service. Everybody wins when everybody plays by the rules.  Unfortunately, that’s not always the case. As a result of doing business with Dennis Smith Custom Builders in Edison, New Jersey, someone I know, a supplier for Dennis Smith Custom Builders, was maliciously damaged. It is shameful to defraud an honest small business whose only mistake was trusting Kevin Smith and extending credit rather than requiring prepayment. Goods were provided and used, and payment promised for an extended period of time, but the company continues to be delinquent and has no qualms about it. Shame on you Kevin Smith.