Tag Archives: Dennis Smith

Is There a Difference Between a Con Artist and a Thief?

24 Nov

Con artists are just professional thieves. They earn your trust, and go in for the proverbial kill. Often we see them coming. But not always. Particularly not when the con artist is a friend — although, if they conned you they are not a friend, obviously. That doesn’t mean that they never were a friend or that the relationship was meaningless all along. But it definitely shows the true colors of the individual. When someone makes a conscious decision to screw over a friend or someone close to them, what does that say about their character?



Bad Experiences With New Jersey Contractor and Builders

19 Nov

Doesn’t it just suck when you work with a bad contractor? Someone who doesn’t have the decency and scruples to own up to being a normal human being…

You hear all the bad stories of friends and family members who have hired contractors or builders who have taken forever, made mistakes, used shoddy equipment, cut corners, or otherwise just created a really bad experience.

Sometimes it is due to honest underestimation of time or scope of work. But usually not. Usually it is a bad habit that perpetuates over time. Usually it is the nature of a bad contractor or builder.

The same goes with these contractors’ relationships with their suppliers. Sometimes they pay late, or not at all. Often they are disrespectful and just not easy to work with.

In my opinion Dennis Smith Custom Builders is all of the above. I guess you felt that one coming?

But it’s the truth.