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Is There a Difference Between a Con Artist and a Thief?

24 Nov

Con artists are just professional thieves. They earn your trust, and go in for the proverbial kill. Often we see them coming. But not always. Particularly not when the con artist is a friend — although, if they conned you they are not a friend, obviously. That doesn’t mean that they never were a friend or that the relationship was meaningless all along. But it definitely shows the true colors of the individual. When someone makes a conscious decision to screw over a friend or someone close to them, what does that say about their character?



Greedy Contractors and Builders in Edison, NJ

21 Nov

I don’t know about you, but greedy people get under my skin. It’s totally fine to be aspirational, even aggressive in business — but greedy and fraudulent are just unacceptable. What’s worse is when someone smiles in your face and stabs you in the back. You provide a service and get paid for that service. Everybody wins when everybody plays by the rules.  Unfortunately, that’s not always the case. As a result of doing business with Dennis Smith Custom Builders in Edison, New Jersey, someone I know, a supplier for Dennis Smith Custom Builders, was maliciously damaged. It is shameful to defraud an honest small business whose only mistake was trusting Kevin Smith and extending credit rather than requiring prepayment. Goods were provided and used, and payment promised for an extended period of time, but the company continues to be delinquent and has no qualms about it. Shame on you Kevin Smith.


What To Look For In a Contractor

18 Nov





That blogs like this don’t exist about their shiesty practices!


PS: read this.


Researching Dennis Smith Custom Builders in New Jersey ?

13 Nov

I hope this blog helps you avoid problems by avoiding this horrible company. We all need contractors and we’ve all heard horror stories. Well, these guys are horror stories with a capital H. Kevin Smith and Dennis Smith Custom Builders are the epitome of the contractor cliche. You want to make sure that you work with a contractor that treats you right, that has a good track record, that pays their suppliers, thats is a stand up icon in their communities.

Dennis Smith Custom Builders is none of these things!

Go to Google and search for contractors, you’ll find plenty of them.

If you did start doing business with these guys, be VERY careful. Make sure that they don’t screw you. Wrap up the project and head for the hills. Run and don’t look back.


** PS: Legally I have to say that the above are all my opinions. 

Why This Blog Exists

12 Nov

Dennis Smith Customer Builders really screwed over someone I know. It probably wasn’t the first or last time that Kevin Smith and his company will screw someone over. But I figured that it should not go unrecognized and maybe I can help other people avoid getting screwed over this way.

I promise that soon enough when you search for his shady little excuse for a company, that this blog will come up first. Seriously, there is no time in life to deal with people with little to no integrity. Kevin Smith has proven to me that he is that kind of person. Hopefully this blog will help other people who are doing research on this company realize that they should find other options — that Dennis Smith Custom Builders in New Jersey should be avoided. Consumers should know that they should take their business elsewhere if they want to ensure that they are doing business with honest people. Easy enough.